Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Bit my lip 3 times today in the SAME SPOT. Though the third time it was slightly under it, the third time I didn't bite my lip, I freaking STABBED IT. I'm playing with the hole/tear with my tongue. I always end up biting my lip because I chew gum a lot... paiiinnn.

Anyways, I'm going to try and ground myself in school, and having to update this blog every day is a bit distracting, so a small hiatus until I get my classes and such straightened out and are stabilized in them. Shouldn't last long.

Man I totally want this:

and this:

The detail on this thing holy shit.

Check out this awesome blog in the meantime if you like stuff like this!: http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/

'Till then!